AATS - American Association for Thoracic Surgery
AATS stands for American Association for Thoracic Surgery
Here you will find, what does AATS stand for in Organization under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate American Association for Thoracic Surgery? American Association for Thoracic Surgery can be abbreviated as AATS What does AATS stand for? AATS stands for American Association for Thoracic Surgery. What does American Association for Thoracic Surgery mean?The health medical organization is located in Beverly, Massachusetts, United States. American association for thoracic surgery is holding its AATS 95th Annual Meeting for professionals involved in thoracic surgery. It is to Promote Scholarship in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. It is the premiere association for cardiothoracic surgeons in the world. It is headquartered in BEVERLY, MA, and is a 501 organization. It is an international organization of over 1.
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Alternative definitions of AATS
- Accommodation Allowance for Tertiary Students
- Average Annual Taxable Salary
- Air Ambulance Transfer System
- Association Of Athletic Training Students
- Automated Animal Tracking System
- Automated Application and Testing Solution
- Animal- Assisted Therapy Services
View 22 other definitions of AATS on the main acronym page
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